About Us
Originally founded in 2004 under a different name, Life Christian Fellowship finds its sole purpose being to bring glory to God in every word and deed. To that end, we (along with scores of faithful believers throughout history) embrace our freedom in Jesus Christ; freedom from the extra-biblical traditions, false teaching and philosophies which have both plagued and crippled churches of all denominations for centuries. In rejecting these views as well as the phariseeism and false-orthodoxy by which they are underpinned, we fully embrace the model and belief system characterized the Apostolic Church of the 1st centrury (Acts 2:42, Colossians 2:8-9).
“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:23-34 KJV)
Life Christian Fellowship is a subsidiary of Shield of Victory International – a 501(c)(3) organization.
Our Mission
Our mission is to obey the “great commission” that Jesus gave his disciples. In doing so we endeavor to show the love of Jesus in each and every facet of our lives. By our actions we seek to bear witness of the light that has given us life. With our words we teach the truth, the complete gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. As each of us seeks to grow closer to Jesus and stronger in our walk with Him we also seek to help others do the same. We nurture, train and equip believers for the work God has called them to do. By doing so we will show the lost, the broken, the wounded, the spiritually dead and dying the hope of everlasting life that is in Jesus Christ.
In addition to Immersion Worship Experiences in the Phoenix-metro area, Life Christian Fellowship provides web-based content (videos and reading material) as well as online and in person Bible study. Click on the “Connect” tab for more information.
Please contact the ministry team directly (via the contact us tab to the right) for special services, speaking engagements, etc.